I have been absent from this blog for far too long. I have valid excuses, but I'd also be lying if I said that I couldn't have found five minutes in which to write an "I'm still alive, don't worry!" post.
I'm just lazy.
Yeah. That's about it. Pure laziness. It'll be the death of me, I swear.
Anyhoo, I've been writing more of my chapters recently so the next one should be up soon(ish), but I haven't been able to write much because I've been kinda busy.
I know. The shock of my life actually being interesting for a change was almost too much for me to handle too. I had to grab hold of something in order to steady myself because it was just that shocking.
What have you been up to? I hear you ask.
Well, my dear readers, many things.
After my evil exams ended, my parents came and visited for a weekend, which was wonderful, partly because I got a new phone (you practically had to wind-up my old phone in order for it to work).
The Tuesday following that I went and saw Derren Brown perform Infamous, his new tour.
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Programme for Derren Brown's Infamous (2013) |
Dear lord, it was glorious. Afterwards I had to go around picking up pieces of my brain after having been completely and utterly mind-blown. Seriously. How does he even do any of that? As I said on my twitter, I don't even know the alphabet without singing it and he can do all this mind-influencing sh*t.
How is that even fair?
Anyway, I'm not too jealous as yesterday I had my face painted...
...and won a stuffed turtle toy (I named him Merlin)...
...which, y'know, Derren Brown didn't do. So I think that makes us even.
Not really, but I'm just going to go on believing that is does for my own sanity and, basically, so I don't become depressed by my incapability.
Seeing as I'm still paying for my student accommodation, I'm currently living here until the end of June even though the academic year is over. Due to this, I was able to buy a ticket for the talk/book-signing with Derek Landy this coming Friday. I cannot even express my excitement, so I'm not even going to try, but instead I shall warn you that the post following said event will, basically, be me fangirlling. MAJORLY. So I apologise in advance.
Right, now that I've got you all up-to-date with the goings-on in my life, I shall depart in order to continue writing so that you have something interesting to read next time I post.