Sunday, 16 September 2012

A couple of doodles and a couple of poems

I've been sorting out my bedroom recently, so that everything's ready for when I have to leave for university, and yesterday I came across some of my old secondary school notebooks. After entertaining myself for a while by looking through them*, I found some of my old English work. Now, I wasn't exactly the best English student regardless of being in the top set. Rather, I poodled along at my own pace and had a over-active imagination. And a tendency to doodle. For example...

(Exhibit A)

I was meant to be learning about 'I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud' by naturally I drew a sadistic hawk.

And another example of my undying concentration to my English teachers...

(Exhibit B)

This was the lesson I learnt about Beowolf. Enough said.

Anyway, I found a couple of pieces of work, which, in my own biased view, aren't too shabby. And I got a merit for one piece and a purple slip for the other, which, if you got either of them, basically made you feel like a god for the lesson. Also, seeing as I haven't really kept up the 'creative writing blog' image, and am currently bringing shame to that phrase, I figured that I ought to post something of the sort. So, I present to you two poems I wrote in secondary school....


Alive at last
Now and forever
Guide us through our life
Eternal love
Lights each candle in our hearts

(This was written when I was in Year 7 and we had to write about a theme in the book Skellig by David Almond (if you haven't read it, do so, because it is pure genius). I know this poem hasn't got a rhythm or anything, but it was the first poem I ever wrote and was proud of, so I think it deserves a place on The Blog)


Watch me climb and watch me run,
All for just a little fun.
Watch me scream and watch me fight,
Bright against the pitch black night.

I burn down low and I burn up high,
Twinkling in your frightened eye.
Through the village and through the town,
Up the hill and right back down.

My power strengthens more and more,
Crashing through each and every door.
'Ring 999' the people cry,
As my killing spree sweeps by.

Destroying houses and burning trees,
All of which I long to seize.
Until all at once I disappear,
Leaving naught but grief and fear.

(I wrote this in Year 9 and we were meant to personify an element or a natural disaster. Although I'm not 100% enamoured with this poem, and have tweaked it slightly, I was pretty chuffed after writing it and think it, too, deserves a place on The Blog)

Anyway, it's pretty late now (23:57 to be precise) and so I should probably be off to bed now seeing as I'm getting up at 8am, but I promise that at some point in the foreseeable future I will post that god-damn summary. (I actually have an excuse - my work has been wiped off the computer and the laptop that it is now on does not have Word at the moment so I can't actually do any writing at this current time unless I want to go through the hassle of transferring work from the laptop to the computer, and then back again, and I really can't be bothered. So you'll see it at some point. Probably.)


* (I found some brilliant stuff, for example one of my excuses for not finishing my homework was "Sorry I didn't finish it, sir. But I was really tired and I will finish it if you want me to. Yes or No?". I genuinely asked him if he wanted me to do my homework. I was so special. Obviously, he circled 'Yes'. I honestly don't know what else I expected.) 

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