Sunday, 2 September 2012

An apology (not really) and a few little gems

Ok, so, I wasn't within a week, but I was close...kind of.
I suppose the right and proper thing to do would be to apologise but, seeing as I don't have anybody to actually apologise to, I'm going to just skip that. It seems like the easiest thing to do, rather than to apologise to thin air (or thin internet, which I suppose is technically right...?).

Anyway, although I haven't achieved what I set out to do (i.e. post a summary of sorts) I do have something to keep you non-existent people busy! I found a few gems in the last week (well, technically I didn't find them, other people recommended them to me, but I'm going to steal their credit) and thought I'd pass them on. Oh, I'm so nice.

Firstly, I found a line of clothing, Moxy Apparel, which is just starting up, and is (and I only use this word when I actually mean it) awesome.

Check it out if you have the time - I personally love the That's Just Wonka T-Shirt and the And, Over 1938 Heritage Jumper.

Anyway, looking through Get Moxy's facebook page I found my next gem, 'Bastille'.
Bastille are this new band which are...I don't actually know. I haven't researched enough to actually say anything knowledgeable about them and their style. But I like them, which, y'know, is always a good thing. Plus I've had their songs stuck in my head all week and HAVEN'T EVEN MINDED. Now, that's got to be something special. Their website is if you want to have a look. (Oo, forgot to say, they performed at the Reading Festival, which, again, is something impressive)

Lastly, I went to the circus.

No, seriously.
Giffords Circus is a 1940s style circus which travels around the country (UK) doing these really impressive and genuinely hilarious shows, with horses and acrobats and all-sorts. It is well worth a look at...

So, now that I have deposited my wisdom on you lovely people of no real existence, I shall depart because I have a book to read.


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